Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spoling the American name...

Ok, maybe not just the American name but the Western name in general.

I was out at a Salsa joint with a few friends the other day, and we came across this babe who was dancing in a baby doll dress that did the Marilyn Monroe each time she twirled. Underneath, she wasn't wearing anything but black draws...

Someone passed a comment about it, and another person responded: "free her jo, it's because of where she's coming from. She's lived in the U.S. for a while." I did the double-blink like w.t.f? I don't know anything about the underwear dancer, but I've heard her speak before and her Nigerian accent is more serious than mine (and we all know that mine is rather serious too). Plus, I know people who have definitely lived in America longer than she has, and they don't go around showing their underwear.

Yes, we know that the American environment is more liberal, but don't go blaming your nudist tendencies on where you're coming from! That's just ludicrous. Why do we have to blame the Western world for all immorality? A wise man has said: 'we all have our demons; how well do you hide yours?' The truth is that every person has the tendency to be evil/immoral/lawless/etc. It all depends on how well you 'curb your enthusiasm'. I guess I should also say that's it's true that the free societies of the Western World allow you to express your tendencies without being judged.

Draws are a product of the West, I believe, and even they call them underwear. People need to learn to call a spade, "spade", and take responsibilities for the decisions they make. When she stepped out of her house that day, she knew she was going to dance, and she knew that Salsa would involve twirling and twirling would involve rising of babydoll dress; yet she gave herself a wink in the mirror and stepped out. Not because Obama told her to go out without leggings, but because she felt like it. There are days I've had peek-a-boo bra incidents; I can assure you that it's not because I lived in America, but because I didn't feel like wearing another layer of clothing, i.e. camisole, because of the heat.

I'm sure that some Americans will be offended by that 'because she lived in America' statement.

Just my 2 Kobo.

Good morning.

6 response(s):

LucidLilith said...

em...i so true. i am deathly afraid of misbehaving back home because i dont want anyone to say 'because you live in america you think you are better than us'

Myne said...

LOL, I agree with you. Where you have lived is not an excuse for bad behavior.

Oluwafynboi said...

LOL! Me sha, I blame America...because I know enough peeps who were super-prude before they janded. By the time they came back, another story! America helps you to uncover your demon so much that hiding it is wahala. THAT's why.

kay9 said...

loool... the babe was gingering her swagga!!

SongSmith said...

LOL!!! This honestly had me laughing out loud. Babe needed to express herself..ALL of herself. I have to admit to being a lot more bra-strap-liberal than I was pre-Yankee, but underpants? That's her personal issue she needs to work out with Baby Jesus.

Oluwafynboi said...

LOL @Songsmith's baby Jesus!

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