Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Miss List

I started packing the other day in anticipation of the big move home and got to thinking about all the little things that i'll miss. I'm wicked excited about this move (most days), but I have my reservations. Here goes;

I’ll miss walking around downtown at 2 in the morning and not feeling the least bit threatened.

I’ll miss going to concerts and hanging out with rockstars afterward. (Okay, that only happened the one time, but damn was it fun and i've got the pictures to prove it!)

I’ll miss advanced movie screenings of small-budget movies that will likely never get a huge theatrical release. I'll miss 'volunteering' at the Tribeca Film Festival (otherwise known as watching free movies, collecting free swag while not doing a damn thang!)

I’ll miss New York

I'll miss making good money.

I’ll miss my winter coat, hats and scarves, even though I never thought those words would escape my lips. I’ll miss how snow makes everything beautiful.

Good God, how I’ll miss my friends.

I’ll miss hopping on the train and arriving where I need to be twenty minutes later.

I’ll miss steady, constant, fast Internet, not to mention steady and constant electricity.

I’ll miss Friday Night Lights, The Office, 30 Rock, Entourage, Real Time, Jeopardy, Chuck, Flight of the Conchords... (I watch waaaay too much television)

I’ll miss my siblings.

I’ll miss my independence.

I’ll miss Macy’s, and shopping in general.

Oh, my beloved Barnes & Noble!

I’ll miss not being able to wear that sexy-ass trench coat I bought two months ago in anticipation of the fall.

However, I will NOT miss not having a job, not having enough money, being depressed all the time, not having a dog, being plan-less and purposeless., being an interloper in what feels like home...

So I suppose there’s always trade-offs.

7 response(s):

isha said...

I feel you! I go through the Miss List motions everyday.

* 7-Eleven that was right inside my school's student center
* China Town at 3am
* I miss the snow too!!!
* Summer Boat Cruises
* 'Black Friday' Sales
* Driving at night
* I miss the 'L', Chicago's train system
* I miss being in school right in the heart of the city (No, I'm not a geek, Lol)
* Walmart and Jewel Osco runs at midnight

Ok, i'll stop...

SongSmith said...

LOL. Is Jewel Osco a Chi-town thing? Never heard of it. Had totally forgotten about driving at night, without fear of being waylayed by armed robbers! :-)

Good Naija Girl said...

The good thing is you can always visit, and since you have siblings in the states you can get them to send you stuff every now and again.

I think I would miss the internet most of all, that and constant electricity.

Have a safe trip back home!

SongSmith said...

Thank you!!! In the process of selling off all my worldly possessions on craigslist as i type this! Las Gidi, here we come!

isha said...

Yeah Jewel-Osco is like a very large version of Walgreens but smaller than Walmart, cos it's only for groceries/foodstuff.

Selling my stuff... I ended up giving my stuff away to people I knew, cos I was like, some random person on craig's list or my school's version of AMAZON would not appreciate good stuff and treat them like it was theirs.

That logic just reeks foolishity. Imagine how much money I'd have made.

Oluwafynboi said...

Lol! Seems like you have a pretty advanced idea of what you'll be missing. Here, the key is to fill that void with the randomness/ridiculous nature of Lagos and the "humans" that dwell therein.

Folishity dwells in the bosom of youngsters, but the rod of time drives it out. I done pulled retarded stunts like that before.

Ellie said...

I was with you when you partied with rockstars, that was fun! Promise NOT to do it without you!

If it helps, I'll share my miss list about Nigeria

*I miss organic food being affordable and accessible
*I miss eating good, cheap NIGERIAN food
*I miss seeing my parents frequently enough that I don't 'see' them aging from one visit to the next.
*I miss my parents being involved in my day-to-day life
*I miss being able to wear summer dresses & flip-flops ALL YEAR LONG!
*I miss cheap, high-quality hair braiding around every corner
* I miss SUYA (wow, I talk about food a lot)
*I miss feeling like someone's child
*I miss feeling like I am where I 'belong'

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